
School Related Problem-Solving for Parents and Students


• to help your child be a more successful student?

• to help you when school issues create conflict at home?

Marilyn L. Nemzer, M.A., Credentialed School Counselor

School Success Counseling is a division of The California Study, Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Tiburon, California.

Do any of the following comments sound familiar? If so, your child is probably not achieving at his or her fullest potential:

“I don’t understand the homework.”

“My teacher is unfair.”

“School is boring.”

“Nobody at school likes me.”

“This class is stupid.”

I can help you – moms and dads – to deal with your child’s school problems, especially the kind encountered by students in grades 5 – 12. Dealing with school issues — whether it’s a classroom problem, a student conflict, or a frustratingly stuck locker — is one way you can help your son or daughter reach his or her fullest potential academically. You want school experiences, like all others, to be as stress-free as possible for your whole family.

When your young one comes home from school and says, “My teacher hates me!” what do you say or do? When your teenager doesn’t get the homework done, what’s your next step?

If you need advice or counseling to deal with the school world – to respond to your child’s educational needs, to learn best ways to communicate with teachers or other school staff, to help with most school-related problems – give me a call or send a note and we can talk about next steps. Initial conversations cost nothing but a little of your time.

Feel free to give me a no-obligation phone call or send me an email (see contact info).

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